World Ocean Radio - Solutions

December 8, 2015

The Arctic conversation concludes this week with "An Arctic Vision." In this episode, host Peter Neill focuses on the indigenous Arctic community and how a sustainable economy might be developed based on new policies, practices, employment opportunities, and benefits for the people who live there. And he outlines three key areas in which a sustainable approach might succeed in the Arctic: fishing, shipping, and energy.

July 25, 2014

In this fourth and final episode of a multi-part series on the final report released by the Global Ocean Commission, From Decline to Recovery, A Rescue Package for the Global Ocean, World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill addresses the report's concluding recommendations: Proposal 7, Global Ocean Accountability Board: Monitoring Progress toward a Healthy Ocean; and Proposal 8, Creating a High Seas Regeneration Zone.

March 23, 2014
May 31, 2013
May 24, 2013

There is no single fix to deal with the many challenges facing the world ocean. The ocean community has identified various strategies such as mitigation, adaptation, invention, and changes in value as interim steps to move us in the right direction. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will discuss changes in behavior and core values such as sustainability and a newer concept--reciprocity, a state of mutual exchange--which would create an obligation wherein we pay back and sustain Nature through equitable contribution.

May 24, 2013

Não existe uma receita única para lidar com os múltiplos desafios que os oceanos enfrentam. A comunidade oceânica identificou várias estratégias tais como a mitigação, a adaptação, a invenção e as mudanças de valor, como passos intermédios na direcção certa. Neste episódio da World Ocean Radio discutimos alterações comportamentais, valores fundamentais tais como a sustentabilidade, e um novo conceito que criaria uma obrigação de devolver e sustentar a Natureza através de um contributo equitativo.

May 24, 2013

No hay una forma única de ocuparse de los muchos desafíos que enfrente el océano global. La comunidad del océano ha identificado varias estrategias tales como mitigación, adaptación, invención, y cambio de valor como pasos para movernos en la dirección correcta. En este episodio de World Ocean Radio discutimos los cambios en el comportamiento y los valores centrales tales como la continuidad y la reciprocidad--un estado de intercambio mutuo-- que crea una obligación en la que restituimos y sostenemos la Naturaleza a través de una contribución equitativa.

May 24, 2013
January 19, 2013
February 24, 2012