A collection of information and classroom activities covering: oceans, human impact, weather, satellite imagery, remote sensing, Antarctica, global climate change, lobsters, turtles, freshwater issues, and more.
Educational wall charts, graphics and maps available for environmental and earth science educators. Topics include impacts of climate change, animals affected by climate and at risk of extinction, global ecology, fresh water, pollution, and more.
Find curricula and activities on water (including oceans, rivers and watersheds), air, ecosystems, recycling, conservation, and human health. In addition, you will also find links to education grants, awards, scholarships, workshops and community service projects.
EARTH is a public education outreach site that provides lesson plans for teachers using near real time data from the ocean observatory. Unit lesson plan topics include ocean observatories, pelagic predators, classification, iron fertilization and coastal processes.
Students are at the frontline of scientific inquiry as they join geologists, chemists and biologists exploring the seafloor and making amazing new deep sea discoveries. Daily updates, live video feeds, archive video footage, and email correspondence with scientists from these research vessels allow students to follow the progress of the scientific missions and find out about life on the floating laboratories at sea.
DOSITS provides information on the basic science of sound in the sea, how both people and animals use sound underwater, and the effects of sound on marine life. In addition to in-depth science content, there are galleries and educational resources that provide a wealth of information for educators and students alike.
Follow the red and green channel markers to Lesson Plans, Real-Time Data Sources and Activities, Teaching Tips and more! Find links to thousands of curriculum units and lesson plans on the web categorized by grade level and ocean science topic.
Their goal? To demonstrate how improved understanding of salinity-driven circulation – and its influence on climate and the water cycle – can benefit student learning. Their "Salinity Patterns & the Water Cycle" resources are aligned with the National Science Education Standards for Physical Science. Grades K - 12.